Transforming Lives with Comfortable Chiropractic Care at Performance Family Chiropractic
At Performance Family Chiropractic, the team of skilled chiropractors is revolutionizing the way individuals think about and experience...

My Current Favorite Mattress
As a chiropractor dedicated to promoting spinal health and ensuring a restorative night's sleep for my patients, I've encountered...

Can chiropractic help with sciatica?
Chiropractic care is increasingly recognized as an effective non-invasive treatment for sciatica, a condition characterized by pain that...

Navigating Healthcare: Maximizing Your Doctor's Visit with a Simple Mnemonic
Healthcare is a tough road to navigate for all parties involved. Providers are trying to make a living, but most of us just really want...

Dealing with Neck Pain?
Neck pain is more common than ever. Phone and computer usage is at an all time high and is not helping the case. Neck pain can be simple...

We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for helping Performance Family Chiropractic achieve a...
A Chiropractor's View of The Purple Hybrid Mattress
As a chiropractor committed to promoting spinal health and well-being, I often get asked about mattresses. My wife and I recently made a...
2023 Tomato Plant Varieties
Tomato Varieties Abe Lincoln - A medium to large, red, old fashioned tasting tomato. Indeterminate Black Beauty - The darkest purple...
Spinal Hygiene
How’s your spinal hygiene? Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can prevent back and neck problems from returning or occurring in...
Tech Use Can Lead to Spinal Degeneration
I just saw 2 articles that I wanted to share with you. I will share the link below, but here is a one minute summary, to save you time....