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July 07, 2018

Are low-fat diets still a good option for weight loss?

This composition of studies compares low-fat diets to other methods of dieting and weight loss. The study compiled data from 53 different randomized control trials. The results state that low-fat diets are no longer recommended for most people to lose weight. It actually stated that high-fat diets with low-carb intake seemed to show greater long term outcomes.

July 05, 2018

Is there a connection between diet and low testosterone?

Dr. David Seaman's article about low T gives some good insight on ways to prevent it. He has well researched data that might change your approach to treating low testosterone. He discusses how a low inflammatory diet could reduce your risk for low T and how it can even help treat it.

August 01, 2017

Vitamin D, mortality, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer

Vitamin D in the form of D3 can decrease mortality risk and there is little concern for supplementation risks.

July 03, 2018

Acid Reflux Still Bothering You?

This article explains why your acid reflux is not getting any better. Maybe you have this thing called hypochlorhydria (low acid). Do a quick search for acid reflux and apple cider vinegar online!

July 02, 2018

Is there a connection between ADHD and Omega 3 levels?

According to this research there is!


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