October 2020 Office Updates
I hope you are staying safe, healthy and are having a great October!
Thank you for letting us be a part of your health in 2020. As always, your Google reviews and referrals are always SO appreciated!!!
I wanted to reach out to you to let you know about a couple of days that the office will be closed in the next couple months.
We will be closed this coming Saturday, October 31st. If you would like to get in this week, please give us a call. At the time of me writing this email there are only 2 appointment openings for Friday. Don’t hesitate to reach out and claim one of them.
We will also be closed on November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving. We WILL be open on the 28th, which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving though.
I also wanted to let you know about links that I will share on our website about products that I like. I get a lot of questions about which pillow to buy or which fish oil/Omega 3 supplement is the best. I also have a link to a handheld massager that I like and use at home and in the office. I try to find the best prices for these products online for you.
In good health,
Justin Gianni DC